Individual in-home occupational therapy sessions in Genesee County and the surrounding areas

Know your options. Feed your baby. Enjoy your moments together.

My approach takes into account that the restricted movement of an infant’s tongue is actually a whole body and nervous system issue. To address it properly, my treatment approach includes whole body movement, the nervous system, and retraining the muscles of the tongue. 

Infant Feeding and Tongue-tie Therapy

A tongue-tie release only changes the structure of the mouth. It doesn’t change the altered movement patterns your baby has been using since before birth. 

That means it’s the work you put in with your baby before and after a release that ultimately changes the muscles and brain to help your baby relax, feed, and connect. 

Free up the movement of the tongue before and after a tongue-tie release to progress toward your baby’s feeding, language, and movement milestones.

I specialize in feeding, baby movement activities, and nervous system regulation for pre-crawling infants.

Here’s how you get started with Nourishing Development:

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Step 1

Initial phone consultation:

Free no pressure call to answer your questions.

Step 2

Begin services:

The first sessions include an evaluation and set up of the custom movement program for your infant.

Step 3

Follow-up sessions and support:

Based on your baby’s response & recovery. Typically ranges between 2-4 follow-up visits with additional support available via phone or email.